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Message from Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of African World Heritage Day

padding-bottom: 133.89%;">教科文組織總幹事非洲世界遺產日致辭

5 May 2016

This first African World Heritage Day is very special.

This is an opportunity to celebrate the wealth of Africa’s cultural and natural heritage, embodying outstanding universal values. This is a moment for the world to stand with Governments, local communities and societies to support one of the continent’s most precious resources. Africa’s cultural and natural heritage is a force for peace – it is also a driver of development and innovation.

This is the inspiration of this International Day, proclaimed by UNESCO Member States in November 2015, to increase global awareness of African heritage and to mobilise greater cooperation for its safeguarding. This must include every actor, starting with school children, with young women and men and with all partners, including the African World Heritage Fund, celebrating its 10th anniversary this year.

Over the last decade, we have made great progress to increase the number of African sites on the World Heritage List – improving conservation and risk management, expanding community involvement and increasing benefits to local communities. Yet, out of the 129 cultural and natural sites on the African continent inscribed on the World Heritage List, 17 are also on the List of World Heritage in Danger. The list of threats is long, from armed conflict, terrorism, poaching and global warming to uncontrolled urban expansion, and mineral and oil exploration, all of this unfolding amidst uNPRecedented economic and social transformations.
過去十年來,我們取得了巨大進步:增加了列入《世界遺產名錄》的非洲遺產地數量,改進了保護工作和風險管理,擴大了社區參與,使地方社區更多受益。然而,在列入《世界遺產名錄》的129處非洲大陸文化和自然遺產地 中,有17處也被列入《世界瀕危遺產名錄》。遺產遭受的威脅種類繁多:既有武裝衝突、恐怖主義、偷獵行徑和全球變暖,也有毫無節制的城市擴張、礦產石油開採,所有這些威脅都是在前所未有的經濟和社會變革這一大背景下出現的。

Protecting and promoting Africa’s cultural and natural heritage resonates at the heart of UNESCO’s work to promote respect and mutual understanding, to safeguard sources of belonging and creativity. This is also important to take forward the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – safeguarding heritage helps create jobs, promote gender equality, eradicate poverty. There is no need to choose between heritage and growth, between beautiful landscapes and decent livelihoods – with the right skills and stronger capacities, we can harness the potential of heritage to create millions of decent jobs, giving also a sense of dignity, inclusion and pride. By protecting natural resources, rivers and parks, we can unleash extraordinary renewable energy source for all. This is the right thing to do, and the smart choice to make. This is UNESCO’s message today.
教科文組織的任務是促進尊重與相互理解,保護歸屬感和創造力的源泉,而保護和促進非洲的文化和自然遺產與這一任務相輔相成。這對於推進“2030年可持續發展議程”同樣十分重要:保護遺產有助於創造就業機會,促進性別平等,消除貧困。在遺產和發展之間,在美麗景色和體面生活之間,並不需要 作什麼抉擇——如果技能適宜、能力增強,便既可利用遺產的潛能,創造無數體面就業機會,又能使人享有尊嚴、包容、自豪感。保護自然資源、河流、公園,可以產生非同尋常的可再生能源,惠及全民。這是正確的事情,這是明智的選擇。這是教科文組織今天發出的訊息。

This matters to Africa – it matters to women and men across the world, and especially to young people.


