
寶馬廣告竟可植入視網膜 閉眼也能看

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The advert begins with champion motorcycle racer Ruben Xaus speaking about what motivates him to race. Shot in moody black and white, it progresses with scenes of Xaus preparing to race before hitting high speeds around a racetrack. Near the end Xaus says that he tells people who ask him what ‘living your dream’ means for him ‘to look deep inside yourself.’ ‘Just close your eyes and look deep inside yourself,’ he says. ‘Maybe it’s your dream too. Close your eyes and you will see it. Close them now.’

padding-bottom: 72.5%;">寶馬廣告竟可植入視網膜 閉眼也能看

寶馬的這次廣告“啓用”了世界摩托車錦標賽西班牙車手Ruben Xaus 做模特,讓他在廣告中大談特談賽車的感受與動機。在廣告中,帥氣的西班牙車手Ruben Xaus身穿黑白相間的超酷賽車服,預備衝擊新的賽車記錄。在廣告結尾處,Ruben Xaus飽含深意地廣告詞直接與廣告主題相呼應,他在廣告中詮釋“實現夢想”時說:“對於我來說,實現夢想就是先閉上眼睛,然後想想自己的價值到底在何處!”這段經典臺詞讓評論家讚賞萬分,因爲收看廣告的觀衆在感應了Ruben Xaus的呼應後,閉上眼睛,寶馬的標誌BMW就會“印”在他們的視網膜上。廣告要強調的含義與效果實現完美結合,廠商煞費苦心的用意得到了良好反饋。

A video explaining how the advert works has become a hit on the internet and has been viewed almost half a million times.




