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Most people know how to treat their skin, hair and nails. But "knowing" in the beauty world is often a practice in misinformation or overly general advice. That is, we may know what to do, but we don't know how to do it. Or how to do it properly.

It's time to finally know what you "know," with real secrets and actual truths about beauty maintenance. From skin irritants to mani-pedi prep to getting the most out of your hair, these are beauty secrets that every woman should know.

padding-bottom: 100%;">每個女人都該知道的10個美麗祕密

SECRET: Your Skin Cleanser Is Making Things Worse (Maybe)

Cleansing can irritate even healthy skin, never mind sensitive or “problem” skin, and many cleansers are guilty. How then should you best cleanse without further irritation? The solution, regardless of skin type, is to look for a gentle cleanser that dissolves dirt and excess oil without leaving the skin feeling tight or tingly — nothing with detergents, alcohols, fragrances, irritants or ingredients that block pores. Think that means going natural? No. Among the list of irritants are lemon, mint, cinnamon and essential oils.
潔面產品即使對健康的皮膚也會產生刺激,更不用說敏感或者“有問題”的皮膚,許多潔面產品都是罪魁禍首。那麼你怎樣才能在清潔皮膚的同時又不造成刺激呢?不考慮皮膚類型的情況下,解決辦法是尋找一款溫和的潔面產品,可以溶解污垢和多餘的油脂,又不會讓皮膚感到緊繃,一款不含清潔成分、酒精、芳香劑、刺激成分或者會堵塞毛孔成分的產品。這就意味着純天然嗎?也不是。檸檬、薄荷、肉桂和香精油也是刺激物。SECRET: Stop Avoiding Exfoliation; Start Glowing

How do some women achieve that enviable perfect, “glowing” skin? Genetics plays a part, to be sure. But even good genes need help. It comes in the form of exfoliation. Exfoliating your skin allows skin-care serums and creams to perform better through improved penetration.

Brightened skin – that “glow” – is the immediate benefit. Word to the wise: Those with active acne and/or rosacea should only exfoliate with salicylic acid, pending approval from their dermatologist.
最明顯的好處就是:通透的皮膚也就是“榮光煥發”。當然,那些容易長痘或者有酒糟鼻的人只有得到皮膚科醫生許可後,才能用水楊酸來去角質。SECRET: Retinoids Are the Best Things Your Aging Skin Isn't Using

First developed to treat acne, retinoids, or retinols, are chemical derivatives of vitamin A that can smooth out fine facial lines. They help thicken both the epidermis and dermis, exfoliate dead skin cells, speed the turnover of keratinocytes and increase production of collagen and hyaluronic acid, a carbohydrate that occurs naturally in the body and serves as a lubricant for joints, muscles and skin. But retinoids also increase something else: the skin’s sensitivity to the sun. Use them at night for optimal benefit.
維生素A酸最早是用於治療粉刺的,它是維生素A的一種化學衍生物,可以平復我們臉上輕微的表情紋。它有助於增加表皮層和真皮層的厚度,去除死去的皮膚細胞,加速角質細胞的新陳代謝,促進膠原蛋白和透明質酸的生成,透明質酸是一種體內自然生成的碳水化合物,是關節、肌肉和皮膚的潤滑劑。但維生素A酸也有副作用:會增加皮膚對日光的敏感度,所以最好是在晚上使用。SECRET: Want Sweet Skin? Try a Sweet Scrub.

Regular facials are essential to maintaining healthy skin – and at-home facials can work just as well as pricey spa treatments. There a number of ways to get pro treatment at home, but look first to sugar, one of nature’s great skin-sloughing agents.

Applying a sugar scrub in gentle circular motions, followed by a lukewarm wash and pat-dry, can do wonders for your skin. Follow with a light steam by boiling a pot water, removing it from the stove and standing over it for a few minutes.
將白糖撒在臉上輕輕打圈,之後用溫水洗淨並拍幹,你的皮膚會收到意想不到的效果。然後再燒一壺開水,等它冒出蒸汽,把水壺從爐子上拿開,讓臉置於蒸汽中並保持幾分鐘。SECRET: The Body Scrub Your Haven't Tried

Faces often get preferential scrub treatment, while our poor bodies are neglected. From scuffed-up feet to dry, scaly skin on your legs, elbows and arms, our bodies can take a beating. Oftentimes, our daily “scrubs” (read: soap) are the culprit.

There’s an easy feel-like-new remedy though. And it might be in your kitchen. Mix coconut oil, kosher salt or sugar, and some minced basil into a paste, and scrub away. Again, steam helps. But doing this regularly helps even more.
還好我們還有一個簡單的可以讓皮膚煥然一新的補救措施。它可能就在你的廚房裏。把椰子油、食鹽或者白糖以及切碎的羅勒草本植物混合成膏狀,塗在身體上。同樣的可以用到蒸汽。堅持這樣做效果會更好。SECRET: To Hydrate Hair Correctly, Avoid the Root

Deep conditioning is obviously important to fight dry or frizzy hair. Whether you use a restorative conditioner or simple olive oil, make sure you do it the right way. Start with the tips of your hair and work your way up to mid-shaft. But avoid your roots: the scalp produces natural oils to help on the near end of things. Conditioning treatments could prevent them from helping.
深層護理對於乾燥蓬鬆或者捲曲的頭髮顯然很重要。不管你是用滋潤效果的護髮素還是單純的橄欖油,確保你的使用方法是正確的。從髮梢開始,向頭髮中間塗抹。但要避免髮根:頭皮會分泌天然油脂有助於頭髮健康,護髮素會破壞這一作用。SECRET: Ask For a Cut, But Don't Talk Inches

Hair styling is a game of inches. At least, that’s what clients think, often asking for a stylist to take off “2 inches” or some other preferred measurement. But people – from the stylist to the client – have different ideas of a what an inch is.

Instead, use your thumb and finger to demonstrate how much you want cut off. At that point, it doesn’t matter if that’s 3 inches to you and 2 inches to your stylist, because you’re looking at the same measurement.

SECRET: Better Soak for Your Mani & The Post-Pedi Wrap

Manicure: Soaking your nails is a given. How to do it better? Mix shower gel with the warm water and soak your hands in the solution for five minutes. Your newly soften and mani-ready cuticles will thank you.

Pedicure: Even a pumice stone can’t remedy all of the dry, gnarly foot problems from a full day on your feet. Try this: rub petroleum jelly on your feet and wrap them in cellophane. Leave it on for 15 minutes. Baby soft feet await.
修趾甲:如果你走了一整天,就算是火山岩浮石也無法挽救你乾燥粗糙的腳部問題。試試這個:將凡士林油塗在腳上,用保鮮膜包起來,等15分鐘。你的腳部皮膚就會和嬰兒一樣柔軟。SECRET: That's Not Dandruff You're Treating

Dandruff shampoo is an oft-abused product. Why? Because what many people think is dandruff is simply a dry scalp. The latter is usually the result of not rinsing your hair properly or residue buildup from bad product. Dandruff shampoo can’t treat that. If your “dandruff” isn’t going away, try rinsing a bit more thoroughly or upgrading your hair product.
去屑洗髮露是一款常常被濫用的產品。爲什麼這麼說呢?因爲很多人以爲是頭屑的東西其實只是一塊乾燥的頭皮,而後者通常是沒有恰當清潔頭髮的結果或者是劣質產品的殘渣。去屑洗髮露對此沒有作用。如果你依然有“頭屑”,試着更加徹底的洗頭或者更換一種高檔些的護髮產品。SECRET: Your Short Hair Might Make You Look Old

Pixie cuts have been a mini-rage in the do world over the past few years. But take heed: Cutting your hair too short could be risky if you’re trying to maintain a youthful look. Having a little visible hair behind the ear will soften your neckline and, thus, the age you appear.


