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Apple Inc.'s iPhone revolutionized the mobile phone with easy-to-use touch-screen technology that allows users to surf the Web, tap out messages or control any number of inventive applications. But the iPhone and the touch-screen handsets every major phone maker has since come out with have only scratched the surface of the potential of touch.
蘋果公司(Apple Inc.)的iPhone無疑是移動電話行業的革命性產品,其便於使用的觸摸屏技術可以讓用戶瀏覽網絡,敲打短信息或者操控任何數量的新潁應用軟件。但是,iPhone以及之後任何主要移動電話製造商推出的觸摸屏手機都只是揭開了具有無限可能的觸摸科技的冰山一角而已。

padding-bottom: 73.28%;">未來的觸摸科技或成主流

The next generation of touch technology, now in development, promises to be even more intuitive and user-friendly. 'All the work is on improving the speed of devices, the reliability and how they interact with humans,' says Chris Ard, director of marketing for touch technology at semiconductor maker Atmel Corp., based in San Jose, Calif.
目前正在開發當中的下一代觸摸屏科技承諾將爲用戶帶來更加直觀和友好的體驗。位於加利福利亞洲聖何塞的半導體制造商Atmel Corp.的觸摸科技營銷總監克里斯•阿德(Chris Ard)表示,所有的工作都集中在改進設備的速度、可靠性以及它們如何與人類互動方面。

Among the highlights: Developers are working on new applications for 'multitouch' screens, like those on the iPhone, the GD900 from LG Electronics Inc., due for release in the U.K. imminently, and others soon to come, including Palm Inc.'s Pre. These screens can process commands the user gives with more than one finger, which broadens the possibilities for applications. Other developers are working on advances in 'haptic' feedback -- vibrations and other physical sensations that are now used, for instance, to let a gamer know she's reached a new level, but that can also be used to communicate emotions and may soon give a touch-screen keyboard the feel of a physical keyboard. And for those who still prefer to work with keys on their phones, even some traditional keyboards will perform certain functions in response to touch commands, like a finger run lightly across the keys.
其中,尤其引人矚目的是,開發人員正在研製針對“多觸摸”屏幕的應用軟件,如iPhone、以及LG電子很快將在英國推出的GD900、還有Palm Inc.最近推出的Pre等等所使用的觸摸屏。這些屏幕可疑處理用戶多個手指下達的要求,從而拓寬了應用軟件的可能性。其它開發人員則在攻克“虛擬觸覺”反饋技術──比如說,用來讓遊戲玩家知道自己跳升一級的震動及其它物體感官功能,同時也可以用來溝通感情,甚至很快讓觸摸鍵盤具備物體鍵盤的感覺。對於那些仍然青睞使用手機按鍵的用戶,甚至一些傳統按鍵也將能夠響應部分觸摸指令,如一個手指輕輕滑過按鍵。


