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  成功考生應具備的條件   英譯漢是一種跨語言、跨文化、跨社會的交際活動過程。作為一個成功的考生,首先 要通曉英漢兩種語言.在翻譯時能比較快速自如地在英漢兩種語言間進行轉換;其次要了 解英譯漢測試的評分標準,測試要求、目的、題型及選材原則;最後,通過考前複習,了 解英譯漢測試的難點,掌突破該難點的應試技巧。   英譯漢評分要求

  翻譯原則本無定論。然而,本項考試英譯漢的評分標準主要傾向於"忠實"與"通順 "並舉。也就是說,英語文字能否以直譯的型別。具體要求為:內容完整、準確.基本無 遺漏或錯譯,表達流利,語言基本無錯誤。


  英譯漢測試題型為主觀試題,一般由5~8個句子組成兩個段落的一篇文章(長度約為2 50詞)。由此可見,英譯漢的難處在於翻譯結構相對複雜的長句

  選材原則取自近年國外英語書報雜誌,內容涉及國際知識。外交關係。英美國家的政 治、經濟、社會、文化、法律或歷史,而且是正統的英文。由於考試選材的與時俱進,因 此考生必須關心國內外的時勢.對國內外所發生的一些重大事件有所瞭解。背景知識的豐 富是理解英文文章的關鍵。建議考生經常閱讀英語國家的報刊和雜誌,如《New York Times》《Washington Post》《The Times》等。


  翻譯結構複雜的長句,應首先弄清英文句子各個成分之間的相互關係.在準確理解句 子完整意思的基礎上,按漢語所習慣的時間順序和邏輯思維順序,譯成符合漢語表達習慣 的文字。由於英語的狀語位置靈活.可放在句首、句尾或句子中間,定語又有前置定語、 後置定語和同位語。翻譯長句時,不可能把英語原句的結構轉換成與其一模一樣的漢語句 子。考生須對英文原句的內容按語段進行拆分,而後按漢語表達方式,將拆分後的各部分 內容重新整合成意思與英語原句完全相同的句子。通過對考生試卷的分析,有一定英文基 礎,又掌握了這種"拆分-整合"的翻譯技巧的考生都能將英文長句的意思忠實而又通順 地翻譯出來,取得成功。


  (1) The expansion and increase have produced technicians, etc. who are employed by men.

(2) These people that they deal with symbols and ideas have become the engineer.

(3) Intellectuals are free from daily work, they carry load and enjoy grants and subsidies.

  (4) The budget is the base that supports his independence.

(5) The budget sustains both the existence and fiscal solvency, which takes a percentage.

(6) The feature is that it is given on a basis so that the independence rests upon capacity.

(7) The ability is a talent. 

考生如果遇到這樣的英譯漢試題,一定會覺得主考教師發錯了試卷,將高中生英文試卷 誤作中級口譯試卷,其實這一試題就是2003年9月上海市英語中級口譯資格證書第一階段考 試英譯漢部分的試題,只不過在此做了"拆分"工作。全真試題如下:

  (1) The expansion of the universities since the beginning of the World War II and the great increase in the number of college graduates and Ph. D' s have produced a corps of technicians, aids, speechwriters, symbol manufacturers, investigators and policy proposers who are now employed by practical men in al l institutions.

  (2) These people, called intellectuals in the sense that they deal with symbols and ideas, have become professionalized in exactly the same sense as the engineer.

  (3) Unlike the engineer, however, these professional intellectuals are free from much of the routine grind of daily work: they carry light teaching load and enjoy government and foundation grants and subsidies for their research.

  (4) The professor's project budget is the initial economic base that supports his independence within the university.

  (5) The project budget sustains both the existence of graduate students an d the fiscal solvency of the university, which takes percentage "overhead" out of every project budget.

  (6) The major feature of project money, whether its source is government o r business, is that it is given on a contractual basis, a different contract f or each project, so that the investigator's independence rests upon his capacity to secure a succession of contracts.

  (7) The ability to secure contracts is a genuine talent among professional intellectuals.


  句子"拆分"使考生有了翻譯的總體思路,但考生還須掌握句子"整合"技能,才能 既忠實又通順地進行翻譯,現逐句點評如下:

  (1)自二戰開始以來(時間狀語前置),大學的擴招以及大學畢業生和博土生的大量增加 (並列主語),產生了一大批技術人員、助理、演說詞撰稿人、符號編制人、調查研究人員 和政策建議人(並列賓語),他們目前在各個機構中受僱於具有實際工作經驗的人(定語從句 被動語態)。

  (2)這些從事符號和思想工作而被稱為知識分子的人(過去分詞作定語),如工程師一樣 變成了職業人士(the same…as)。



