
美國光頭美女驚豔亮相 竟成選美冠軍

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There's no denying looks take top billing at beauty pageants. But Miss Delaware Kayla Martell is set to challenge stereotypes at the Miss America final on Saturday - as the first bald ite being told by organisers she doesn't have to don a wig for the Las Vegas event, Kayla, who suffers from alopecia areata, has opted to wear one 'to appear more approachable.'

padding-bottom: 66.41%;">美國光頭美女驚豔亮相 竟成選美冠軍

以秀髮為美的審美標準估計要被打破了,近日,在美國特拉華州的選美活動的冠軍贏得了全世界的目光,不僅僅這是一位美人兒,而是因為這位美人兒沒有頭髮。據悉,該屆特拉華州小姐名為克拉-馬特奧(Kayla Martell)由於不幸患上了禿頭症所致,然而這位小姐雖然“輸在頭髮,卻贏在自信”,在即將到來的週六美國小姐決賽中,她告訴組委員成員,她不需要任何假髮,她就用她美麗的光頭與眾佳麗PK,並相信自己會笑到最後。

The beauty queen competed for the Miss Delaware title without her wig three times before she was told she might be more successful sporting fake locks before going on to win her fourth attempt. However, in her everyday life, Kayla prefers the natural look. She told abc News: 'Miss America, she needs to be relatable to all people, but she also must be approachable. The 22-year-old has dreamed of being crowned Miss America since the age of three, but began losing her hair seven years later when she noticed that her parting was widening and was diagnosed when the bald patch continued to grow. Despite being different to the other contestants, Kayla insists she doesn't feel nervous and is proud to forgo the wig in public.

在模特克拉-馬特奧參加的五次選美比賽,但前四次都失敗了。可她仍然不遺餘力地追求着自己的幸福。這位美麗的22歲女孩從3歲開始就夢想有一天可以成為美國小姐,她承認在日常生活中,她在眾人的目光下其實並不美麗,甚至有點病態,禿頭給她造成了不少麻煩。她當時開始尋求假髮的幫助,有了假髮的掩蓋,她可以有機會以“正常人的容貌”在社會上和朋友進行正常的社交活動,也不讓朋友過分擔心她目前的處境。然而,通往夢想的路是假髮掩蓋不掉的,自從贏得了地區選美比賽的勝利後,女孩Kayla Martell説:“我開始變得超自信,即使在競選美國小姐台上面對評委時不帶假髮,讓我光頭示人,我也一點問題都沒有!”



