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With the art market crackling, it's fitting that auction house Phillips rounded out New York's strong set of major spring auctions Thursday with a Pop─Andy Warhol's 1962 silk-screen grid of grinning Marilyn Monroes, which sold for $38.2 million.

padding-bottom: 74.06%;">安迪•沃霍爾的"夢露"3,820萬美元成交
在藝術市場如沐春風之際,菲利普斯拍賣行(Phillips)週四將安迪•沃霍爾(Andy Warhol)完成於1962年的絲網印刷作品──開口而笑的瑪麗蓮•夢露(Marilyn Monroes)以3,820萬美元的價格售出,從而為紐約這組強勁的春拍活動畫上句號,倒也算是恰如其分。

Phillips had earlier expected to get about $30 million for 'Four Marilyns,' one of a series of Warhol depictions of the actress. But after two weeks of record sales at larger rivals Sotheby's BID +0.47% and Christie's International─including Christie's record $495 million sale Wednesday─Phillips raised the asking price for the 29-inch work with an orange background to $35 million. A woman bidding in Phillips's Park Avenue saleroom clearly decided it was worth even more.

菲利普斯之前預計這幅名為《四個瑪麗蓮》(Four Marilyns)的畫作大概能以3,000萬美元的價格拍出。這是沃霍爾給這位女演員畫的一系列肖像之一。但在更大競爭對手蘇富比(Sotheby's)和佳士得(Christie's International)為期兩週的拍賣活動創成交額紀錄後(週三佳士得創下4.95億美元的史上最高成交額記錄),菲利普斯將這幅桔色背景、29英寸畫作的要價提高至3,500萬美元。在菲利普斯的紐約公園大道(Park Avenue)拍賣廳裏,一位現場投標的女士顯然認為這幅畫的價值不止於此。

Inflation has been the art market's overriding dynamic all season, driven mainly by U.S. and European collectors confident values will keep rising, dealers say. As a result, bidders in the latest round paid out record sums for nearly everything on offer─including a $58.4 million Jackson Pollock 'drip' painting at Christie's and a $41.6 million Paul Cézanne still life at Sotheby's.

通脹一直是藝術市場最重要的變化因素。交易商説,這主要是受歐美藏家關於藏品價值會不斷上漲的信心所推動。於是,這輪最新拍賣行情收穫了創紀錄的成交額,幾乎所有拍品都被售出,其中佳士得以5,840萬美元拍出了波洛克(Jackson Pollock)用“滴灑法”創作的作品,蘇富比以4,160萬美元拍出了塞尚(Paul Cezanne)的一幅靜物畫。

The art market's next major test comes with London's summer auctions in late June.




