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還記得前段時間《經濟學人》第一次把英國新首相特蕾莎·梅(Theresa May)放上封面,就毫不留情地把她的名字改成“Theresa Maybe”,特蕾莎·梅準兒的事嗎?



Under the gilt and candelabra of Lancaster House where Margaret Thatcher extolled the virtues of joining the single market, Theresa May has just uttered some of the most important words she will ever deliver.



1. Certainty

We will provide certainty wherever we can……I recognize how important it is to provide business, the public sector, and everybody with as much certainty as possible as we move through the process. I can confirm today that the Government will put the final deal that is agreed between the UK and the E.U. to a vote in both Houses of Parliament, before it comes into force.

2. Control of our own laws

Leaving the European Union will mean that our laws will be made in Westminster, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast. And those laws will be interpreted by judges not in Luxembourg but in courts across this country. Because we will not have truly left the European Union if we are not in control of our own laws.

3. Strengthen the Union

A stronger Britain demands that we do something else — strengthen the precious union between the 4 nations of the United Kingdom. We won’t agree on everything, but I look forward to working with the administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to deliver a Brexit that works for the whole of the United Kingdom.

4. Maintain the Common Travel Area with Ireland

We cannot forget that, as we leave, the United Kingdom will share a land border with the E.U., and maintaining that Common Travel Area with the Republic of Ireland will be an important priority for the UK in the talks ahead.

5. Control of immigration

We will continue to attract the brightest and the best to work or study in Britain — indeed openness to international talent must remain one of this country’s most distinctive assets — but that process must be managed properly so that our immigration system serves the national interest. So we will get control of the number of people coming to Britain from the E.U.

6. Rights for E.U. nationals in Britain, and British nationals in the E.U.

We want to guarantee the rights of E.U. citizens who are already living in Britain, and the rights of British nationals in other member states, as early as we can. I want everyone to know that it remains an important priority for Britain — and for many other member states — to resolve this challenge as soon as possible.

7. Protect workers’ rights

Indeed, under my leadership, not only will the government protect the rights of workers set out in European legislation, we will build on them. Because under this government, we will make sure legal protection for workers keeps pace with the changing labor market — and that the voices of workers are heard by the boards of publicly-listed companies for the first time.

8. Free trade with European markets

We will pursue a bold and ambitious Free Trade Agreement with the European Union. We do not seek membership of the Single Market. And because we will no longer be members of the Single Market, we will not be required to contribute huge sums to the E.U. budget.

9. New trade agreements with other countries

A Global Britain must be free to strike trade agreements with countries from outside the European Union too. We want to get out into the wider world, to trade and do business all around the globe.

10. The best place for science and innovation

A Global Britain must also be a country that looks to the future. That means being one of the best places in the world for science and innovation. One of our great strengths as a nation is the breadth and depth of our academic and scientific communities, backed up by some of the world’s best universities.

11. Cooperation in the fight against crime and terrorism

A Global Britain will continue to cooperate with its European partners in important areas such as crime, terrorism and foreign affairs.

12. A smooth, orderly Brexit

We believe a phased process of implementation, in which both Britain and the E.U. institutions and member states prepare for the new arrangements that will exist between us will be in our mutual self-interest.


❶ 最終怎麼脫歐,梅相一人說了不算,還得經過議會投票。

❷ 嚴格控制移民,以後歐盟國家人民想移民英國可就不容易了。

❸ 想和歐盟簽署自由貿易協定,不過鐵定不留在單一市場。

❹ 英國要和非歐盟國家之間加強貿易交流,不再侷限於歐盟國家,同時強調不會保留完全關稅聯盟成員身份。

❺ 梅相表示脫歐後,可能還會給歐盟交點錢,不過不會很多,有種終於甩掉大包袱的既視感…

❻ 脫歐這事兒急不得,會分階段實施,避免處於“分裂斷崖邊緣”。

整體來說,梅相的這次演講氣勢很足,傳遞出硬脫歐(hard brexit)的信息,下面來看看各方反應。


The pound saw its best day's gain in more than eight years against the dollar on Tuesday, helped by rising inflation and the Prime Minister Theresa May's major speech on Brexit.


英國自由民主黨領導人Tim Farron就毫不留情地指責起梅相來。

After Mrs May's speech, Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron said: "Ripping us out of the single market was not something proposed to the British people. This is a theft of democracy."
梅演講後,英國自由民主黨領導人Tim Farron表示:“把我們拽出單一市場可不是提前和英國人民商量過的。這是盜用民主的行爲。”

英國獨立黨黨魁Paul Nuttall表示擔憂。

UKIP leader Paul Nuttall said he feared a "slow-motion Brexit", adding: "We want this done quickly."
英國獨立黨黨魁Paul Nuttall表示,他擔心“慢動作脫歐”,並補充說:“我們希望這事儘快搞定。”


A hard Brexit could be a catastrophic failure for the United Kingdom, the direction for the United Kingdom leaving the European Union set out by the UK prime minister is not in Scotland’s national interests, Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said Tuesday.
蘇格蘭首席大臣Nicola Sturgeon表示,硬脫歐對於英國而言可能是一次災難性的失敗,英國首相設定的英國脫歐方向不符合蘇格蘭的利益。

She hinted at a second independence referendum, saying Scotland - which voted against Brexit - should have "the ability to choose between that and a different future".

對於演講中特別提到的和愛爾蘭的邊境問題,愛爾蘭政府對此表示歡迎,不過愛爾蘭新芬黨John O'Dowd表示,梅相只是說得好聽而已。

Reacting to the Brexit speech, Sinn Féin John O'Dowd said: "Exiting the single European market, exiting the customs union, creates a hard border on the island of Ireland. Warm words, soft words from Theresa May mean nothing."
就梅相此次脫歐演講,新芬黨John O'Dowd 表示:“脫離單一市場,脫離關稅聯盟,在愛爾蘭羣島創造更嚴格的邊境。特蕾莎·梅暖心的文字毫無意義。”


Donald Tusk, the president of the European council, summed up the bloc’s official reaction in a tweet: “Sad process, surrealistic times, but at least more realistic announcement on Brexit. EU27 united and ready to negotiate after article 50.”
歐洲理事會主席Donald Tusk一條推特概括了集團官方的態度:“令人難過的過程,超現實的時代,但至少在脫歐問題上有了更多切實的消息。歐盟27國團結一心,準備好在英國觸發里斯本條約第50條後與其進行談判。”


European leaders and industry chiefs welcomed the clarity brought by Theresa May’s Brexit speech, but said the course she had chosen would hurt Britain more than the remaining EU member states.

Volker Treier, of the German chamber of industry and commerce, made it clear that Britain’s departure from the single market and customs union would do substantial damage to business ties between the UK and Germany.
德國工商會Volker Treier明確表示,英國退出單一市場和關稅聯盟的舉動將給英德商業紐帶帶來巨大破壞。





