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There is no shame in being a tourist. It's the best way to escape from your daily routine, see the world and soak up new experiences. There is, however, great shame in being a tourist who travels thousands of miles to another continent only to eat at the Pizza Hut next to the pyramids at Giza, Egypt, or follows up a visit to the majestic Niagara Falls with a 3-D/4-D movie of the majestic Niagara Falls, or books an all-inclusive stay at a tropical resort where the ratio of timeshare salesmen to guests is four to one.

身爲遊客並不丟人。旅遊,可謂逃離日常工作的最佳選擇,因爲旅遊既可以看遍大千世界,又能獲得新經歷。但遊客的以下做法令人不屑,如千里迢迢跑到目的地,只爲在埃及吉薩(Giza)的金字塔旁吃一頓必勝客,或者看過關於尼日加拉大瀑布的3D或4D電影后,親自到壯觀地尼日加拉瀑布(Niagara Falls)去一探究竟,抑或預定一次熱帶旅遊勝地全包旅程——但在那,分時銷售員和遊客人數佔比高達4:1。

Consult our list of the world's 10 most touristy cities to distinguish the best tourist attractions from the worst tourist traps. And for the love of Frommer's, leave your money belt at home.




padding-bottom: 66.72%;">盤點世界上的十佳旅遊城市

New York deserves its reputation as one the greatest cities on the planet. In 2011, more than 50 million domestic and international tourists visited the Big Apple to experience world-class culture in its museums and Broadway shows, eat at some of the finest restaurants representing every imaginable type of cuisine, and wander through its historic ethnic neighborhoods and expansive green spaces like Central Park. Yet for some indefensible reason, a full 80 percent of all visitors to New York choose to converge on the gaudiest and least authentic intersection in the city: Times Square.


Times Square's big attraction is its famous "lights," aka giant billboard ads for underwear and perfume, and Jumbotron TV screens streaming CNN. Then there's the whole New Year's Eve thing, which must be thrilling for people whose idea of a great time involves subzero temperatures, hordes of drunk tourists and the threat of imminent trampling. But other than that, Times Square is an out-of-towners-only wasteland of knickknack shops (don't forget to buy your pointy green Statue-of-Liberty crown!), bad street theater, chain restaurants, and shady vendors selling knock-off handbags and pirated DVDs.


A side effect of former Mayor Rudy Giuliani's successful effort to rid Times Square of the peep shows, porn theaters and prostitutes who ran the place for much of the '60s, '70s and '80s is that Times Square is now entirely devoid of anything particularly "New York." It's more like America's most crowded mall, where parking is $20 an hour, exactly how long you'll wait for a table at a local Times Square restaurant like Applebee's.

紐約前任市長魯迪·朱利亞尼(Rudy Giuliani)成功取締了時代廣場上的“西洋鏡”表演,色情劇場和上世紀60到80年代佔據時代廣場的娼妓等。這使得現在的時代廣場再也沒有當年的“紐約特色服務”。時代廣場和美國其他最擁擠的商場無異,停車費用$20/小時,這段時間正好夠在諸如蘋果蜂(Applebee’s)這樣的當地餐廳吃頓飯。

ara Falls, Ont.


盤點世界上的十佳旅遊城市 第2張

The natural beauty of Niagara Falls is nothing short of breathtaking. Every minute, more than 6 million cubic feet (168,000 cubic meters) of water pour over the 188-foot (57-meter) falls with a rush and roar and spray that deserves to be experienced at least once in a lifetime. And then never again.


The majesty of Niagara Falls has long since been eclipsed by the greed and abject tackiness of humankind. What was once a famed honeymoon destination is now only a minor "attraction" in a circus sideshow of second-rate wax museums, loud themed restaurants and grungy hotels along the armpit of commercialism called the Clifton Hill strip.

對比蜂擁而至的遊客,壯觀的尼亞加拉大瀑布也顯得黯然失色。該瀑布曾是蜜月勝地,現在卻淪爲雞肋景觀。在商業化的克里夫頓山(Clifton Hill)一帶,同樣命運的還有一些二流蠟像館,喧譁的餐館和骯髒旅社等。

The Maid of the Mist boat ride under the falls is still worth it. Yes, tickets are U.S. $15.50 for adults and $9 for kids, but you can't come all this way and not feel that wet, slobbery waterfall kiss on your face. Plus, who doesn't look good in a yellow poncho? But after you've toweled off and thrown away your now-ruined digital camera, think twice about the rest of the attractions begging for your hard-earned Canadian dollars.


The No. 1 tourist trap has to be the Skylon Tower Observation Deck in the Niagara Falls Hotel. If you've already spent a few hours and serious money staring at the falls close-up, from below, and even from behind, why do you need to shell out another $14 per adult to see the whole wet mess from 775 feet (236 meters) in the air? Is it the lure of catching a blurry glimpse of the Buffalo skyline? Or is the chance to pay an additional $11 for the "The Falls 3D/4D Movie"? Spoiler alert: The fourth dimension is nausea.

尼亞加拉大瀑布旅館(Niagara Falls Hotel)的摩天塔觀景臺(Skylon Tower Observation Deck),可謂遊客的第一陷阱。如果你已經花了大筆錢,耗費幾小時觀看近景,甚至坐“霧中少女”號繞到瀑布後面觀看了尼亞加拉大瀑布,爲什麼還要再掏14美元,從236米(775英尺)以外“隔空遙望”這溼漉漉的東西?難道是受布法羅城模糊的天際線的誘惑?或是忍不住要額外再掏11美元去看3D或4D的瀑布電影?劇透:這部4D電影一無是處。

, Italy


盤點世界上的十佳旅遊城市 第3張

Workers laid the original stone foundation of the Leaning Tower of Pisa in 1173. Their rookie mistake -- building an eight-story stone and marble tower topped with several tons of church bells on loose, sandy soil -- would become the most famous architectural blunder in the world. More than 800 years later, the tower remains a "can't miss" destination for more than a million gawking tourists every year.


And what an experience it is! First, there is the inconvenient fact of getting to Pisa, which is a three-hour-plus train ride from Rome and nearly an hour train ride from Florence. But then you're at the tower, right? No, that would be about a mile away from the train station. But don't worry, you'll have plenty of company alongside the hundreds of other sweaty tourists who are also speed-walking their way past pushy trinket vendors and stalls of knockoff handbags and watches.


The site of the actual tower is actually quite beautiful. The tower is one of three Romanesque structures on a vast green square called the Piazzi dei Miracoli. Good thing you bought your entrance ticket online (18 or $24) before you came, or else you might be waiting in that two-hour line to begin the arduous climb up the leaning tower. What, you didn't buy your ticket?! That's OK, while you wait in line, the rest of the group can each take the obligatory staged photo of pretending to hold up the tower. Don't be discouraged that every single other person who has ever visited Pisa has done the exact same thing. It doesn't mean you're not original. It just means you're in Pisa.

真正的比薩斜塔的確很漂亮,它是巨大的比薩奇蹟廣場(Piazzi dei Miracoli)上三大羅馬風格的建築之一。好消息是你可以在來之前在網上購票(以18英鎊或24美元的價格),不然的話,你只有在排兩小時的長隊後才能開始攀登陡峭的比薩斜塔。什麼?你們沒有買票?沒關係,在排隊時,你可以假裝託着塔,讓團隊的其他人務必給你拍照。不要泄氣,每個參觀比薩斜塔的人都會做相同的事情。這並不是意味着你不獨特,而是因爲你在參觀比薩斜塔。

審校:喵喵 校對:丸子 編輯:旭旭



