
英國女性癡迷魔鬼身材 寧願少活一年

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Disturbing: New research has revealed that one in three women would give up a year of their life to have the perfect body Millions of women are so unhappy with their weight that they would trade at least a year of their life for the perfect body, disturbing research suggests. A survey of female students aged 18 to 65 at British universities found that almost one in three would be willing to die younger in exchange for the ‘ideal’ figure of the likes of model Kelly Brook or actress Scarlett Johansson.
  在這個“越瘦越美麗”的時代,諸多在T臺上“瘦骨嶙峋”的模特們已經成爲萬千少女們夢想中的時尚代名詞與立志要成爲的典範。新研究顯示,女人們對身材的要求越來越瘋狂,有30%的女人寧肯放棄1年的生命,來換來自己夢寐以求的體型。據悉,這一項調查針英國在年齡層(18歲到65歲)從青春少女到老年婦女做研究,專家發現,有3分之1的女人願意用1年的生命來換取自己理想中的完美體型,少活一年能得到有小瑪麗蓮·夢露之稱的斯嘉麗·約翰遜或者模特Kelly Brook 的身材也是相當不賴的!

padding-bottom: 133.61%;">英國女性癡迷魔鬼身材 寧願少活一年

The finding is all the more shocking because almost all of those polled were in the normal weight range – or even underweight. Some 16 per cent said they would swap one year of their life for their ideal body and 10 per cent were willing to trade between two and five years. Many women valued their lives less, with 2 per cent willing to forego up to a decade, and one per cent saying they'd give up at least 21 years younger in exchange for a slimline shape. Overall, 30 per cent of the 320 women questioned said they would be willing to make a trade.




