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Hollywood is converting blockbuster films into 4-D because cinemagoers are shunning pricey multi-dimensional 3-D versions But the experience has left some fans feeling sick, damp and pummeled after watching movies like Kung Fu Panda 2 and the latest Pirates of the Caribbean box-office hit. A Korean company has built cinemas with seats which rock and special effects like wind, fog, strobe lights and scents are synchronised with the on-screen action.


padding-bottom: 74.67%;">讓你百分百身臨其境的4D電影

The company, CJ 4DPlex, has opened an office in Los Angeles where computer programmes are written for the action films. It plans to build America's first 4-D screen multiplex in New York and if it is a success, they will expand into Europe. The biggest 4-D film in Seoul last week was Kung Fu Panda, the martial arts cartoon adventure with the voices of Jack Black, playing panda Po and Angelina Jolie.

據悉,韓國已成爲首創4D電影的國家。韓國CJ 4DPlex公司兩年前在3D經典《阿凡達》上映時推出 4D版,加上飄出炸藥味和吹風等效果,一舉成名,近日在首爾還推出了4D電影版《功夫熊貓2》獲得巨大成功。此外,該公司正準備在紐約開美國首間4D影院。而在3D電影播映之餘,有會上下左右移動的機動椅、震動、特殊燈光、霧水、飄香等20多種特殊效果配合劇情。

A Korean blogger called Prof Miscreant reported in the Sunday Times: 'The seats have massage chair motors so that they punch you (lightly) in the kidneys or bottom when Po gets hit or falls down. 'At the end bubbles floated down from the ceiling to simulate fireworks - hilarious and well worth the 18,000 won (?10) ticket price.' But not every movie fan is happy with the physical effects. Some customers complained of feeling damp from the water effects after watching Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides but 'smelling sweet' like Captain Sparrow star Johnny Depp.

4D電影是《功夫熊貓2》,有美國遊客看過後大讚:“當有箭射出時,耳邊就會有風吹過。”另一韓國博客指,當主角阿寶被打或跌倒時,你的屁股會受到輕擊,電影中放煙花時,影院天花也灑肥皂泡,票價十分划算, 4D票價10英鎊花得實在太值了。此外,像有《加勒比海盜4》觀衆說看完電影感覺水效果十足,全身潮溼,而且當主演強尼·德普出現的時候,又似乎聞到一股清新的空氣。

And there were reports of people becoming nauseous and going temporarily deaf after watching Transformers: Dark of the Moon where the major smell is the scent of burnt rubber. CJ 4DPlex was the first company to make a 4-D version of James Cameron's 3-D futuristic blockbuster Avatar.




