
Ipad競爭對手誕生 索尼Tablet P問世

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Sony has unleashed its challenge to Apple’s ipad with a world-first ‘clamshell’ folding computer tablet. The Sony Tablet P was one of two new products unveiled by the global tech giant today ahead of a Christmas sales war. The ?479 tablet with two 5.5in touchscreens, 16GB of memory, wi-fi and 3G, can be folded in half, which makes it significantly more portable than the iPad and copycat tablets. Sony believes the size, relatively light weight at 367g, and folding design, means it will easily fit inside a handbag or jacket pocket. The two sides of the tablet can be combined and used as one large screen – albeit with a potentially irritating hinge running through the middle.

蘋果前CEO喬布斯的離去讓我們對蘋果電腦的未來產生迷茫的情緒,就還在人們沉浸在蘋果將何去何從、以及蘋果將引領什麼道路時,蘋果的虎視眈眈的“勁敵們”早已經迫不及待地“下刀”切分平板電腦市場這塊大蛋糕了。據悉。這款由Android 3.1系統的的翻蓋式(書狀雙開)平板屆時將以Sony Tablet P命名發佈,代替以前的VAIO P系列電腦,而且該平板將支持HSPA+僞4G網絡和Wi-FI。同時,Sony Tablet P還將內置512MB RAM和4GB存儲空間,送機附贈2GB microSD卡。與Ipad2的優勢相似,索尼的這款平板電腦機身設計非常輕薄,儘管配備兩塊5.5英寸的觸摸屏,整體重量依然控制到了0.82磅(367g),相當於Sony Tablet S(S1)和Apple iPad2一半的重量。而且Tablet P將搭載和Tablet S一樣的Tegra 2雙核處理器,並配備有30萬像素的前置攝像頭。

Ipad競爭對手誕生 索尼Tablet P問世

Alternatively they can operate independently, for example, playing video or games on one while showing control buttons or a keyboard on the other. Like other tablets it can surf the web, check email, download music and videos. More significantly, it can also be used in line with Sony’s PlayStation gaming technology and its popular eReader digital book downloads. Details of the new device were revealed at the IFA consumer electronics show in Berlin, where a host of manufacturers were revealing their own new or upgraded tablets.

此外,Sony Tablet P將內置Sony所有主要的服務,例如:PlayStation Suite遊戲服務、Reader Store電子書服務、Sony Qriocity雲影音服務等。不過 Tablet P並不具備Tablet S的紅外發射器,缺乏與家庭影院的聯動性。Sony Tablet P 和Tablet S兩塊平板電腦將在9月份正式發佈及上市。有消息透露,這款平板電腦的具體發佈日可能爲9月上旬,如果不意外,很可能於9月2日-7日在德國柏林舉行的 IFA 2011展會上公佈。有傳聞稱Sony平板電腦的定價將比蘋果平板電腦更加便宜。



