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I love my yoga pants as much as the next gal, but occasionally I find myself yearning for the days when people really cared about how they looked in public. Church just isn't the same when you're standing one pew behind someone with gaping holes in their saggy jeans, and don't even get me started on adults wearing pajamas in public. It's not. That hard. To put. On pants.


padding-bottom: 66.72%;">十個人們不再遵守的禮儀(2)

Men and women used to don suits and dresses to fly the friendly skies, but they also didn't have to go through the extensive parking, transportation and security hassles that we endure nowadays. So I say, dress for comfort when traveling and save the etiquette lessons for more pressing matters, like not hogging the armrests. Unless you're trying to get a free upgrade to first class.


The shift to casual dress, while welcome in everyday life, seems to be bleeding over into fancier events where more people are ignoring formal and semiformal dress guidelines. "I go to a lot of formal events, and this is a huge pet peeve of mine," says Staci-Jill Burnley of Alexandria, Virginia. "Nothing looks tackier than a man in dress uniform or tux with a woman in a cocktail dress." A fancy enough event will indicate semiformal (knee-length cocktail dress) or formal (long or floor-length gown). If you don't have the appropriate attire on hand, hit the mall or go shopping in a friend's closet. You really don't want to draw Staci-Jill's ire. Trust me.

如今人們在日常生活中更傾向於穿休閒的服裝了,不過也有越來越多的人忽視了在正式場合的正式和半正式着裝規則,這可真是讓人痛心疾首。來自弗吉尼亞州亞歷山大市的史戴西-吉爾·伯恩利(Staci-Jill Burnley)說:“我去過很多正式場合,沒有什麼比看到一個穿着正式晚禮服的男人牽着一個穿着酒會小禮服的女人更俗氣的事了,在正式場合穿錯禮服是我最忌諱的事情。”在一個非常盛大的場合就意味着人們的穿着爲半正式的(及膝禮服)或正式的(長的或拖地晚禮服)。如果你沒有合適的衣服,那就去商場逛逛,或者看看朋友的衣櫃裏有沒有合適的。相信我,你可千萬別激怒史戴西-吉爾。

ing About Money


十個人們不再遵守的禮儀(2) 第2張

Discussion of money and all things related used to be a faux pas of Rockefeller-sized proportions. In the olden days no one would be tacky enough to assign a figure to their net worth or disclose the cost of their new Rolls Royce. Today, people barely bat an eye when discussing salary and lifestyle, often showcasing their good fortune on social media for all their friends to see and covet. Equally off-putting are the folks who feel quite free to ask you how much you paid for your home or your car.


It is one thing to be proud of your accomplishments, and quite another to brag, particularly when it's to people who might be having a tough time financially. The experts over at The Emily Post Institute encourage manner-minded people to revert back to the days when dollar signs were rarely discussed, certainly not in envy-inducing specifics. Even when asked outright about income, there are easy enough ways to dance around the topic, with the canned Post response being, "I make enough to get by". And if someone asks you about the price of your house, make a joke ("We paid more than we liked!") or just be honest ("I'm sorry, I'm not really comfortable discussing that"). A rude question doesn't deserve a straight answer.

對自己獲得的成就感到驕傲是一回事,但吹牛又是另一回事了,特別是對那些正處在經濟困難時期的人炫耀。艾米莉·波斯特研究所(The Emily Post Institute)的專家們鼓勵有禮貌的人回到過去不怎麼談及金錢的日子,當然這種情況並不會誘發嫉妒。即使當我們被直截了當地問及收入情況時,我們也有足夠多且簡單的方法跳出這個話題,波斯特專家們對此會回覆道:“我的收入足以維持生活。”如果有人問你房子的價格,開個玩笑告訴他:“比我們想的要多。”或者誠實地告訴他“對不起,我不想談論這個問題。”這樣粗魯的問題不值得我們直接坦率地回答。



十個人們不再遵守的禮儀(2) 第3張

I don't know when the phrase "fashionably late" became popular and regularly practiced, but it has taken off with abandon. In fact, if you're prone to promptness like me, chances are you'll be the only person at any given party for at least a half-hour after the indicated start time. That's because arriving extremely late has become the standard. In stark contrast, most etiquette experts agree that the window of fashionable tardiness is a mere five to 15 minutes. The train seems to have left the station on this etiquette infraction, with no signs of turning back. Since it makes my eye twitch to be late, I'll enjoy the small crowd and extra finger food while everyone else trickles in slowly.


The only time a late arrival may be acceptable is when it's a cultural norm among your family, friends or social group. If that's the case, then an on-time arrival might mean catching the hostess running frantically in her underwear to take something out of the oven.




十個人們不再遵守的禮儀(2) 第4張

Although chivalry is typically associated with men, make no mistake — women can be courteous in many of the same ways. In fact, most ladies no longer expect to be treated with kid gloves as was common in decades past. We fought long and hard to be respected as strong, intelligent and self-sufficient people! As a youngish, able-bodied woman, I have absolutely no problem opening my own doors, carrying heavy boxes and pulling out my own chair. If someone offers to assist, I won't turn them down, but it's usually a pleasant surprise. My issue with today's lack of assistance etiquette has more to do with failure to help people who really need it.


"When I lived in New York City I constantly saw young, healthy men and women on the subway who were so rude or engrossed in their phones or books that they let the obviously pregnant, handicapped, injured and elderly passengers stand while they comfortably commuted," says Monique Johnson, who currently resides in Washington D.C., and has called out many a passenger for failing to give up a seat for someone who really needs it. "It's easy enough to get your head out of the clouds and not be a jerk."

現居華盛頓特區的莫尼克·約翰遜(Monique Johnson)說:“住在紐約的那段時間,我經常在地鐵裏看見身強體健的上班族瘋搶座位,沉浸在自己的手機或書上,完全無視身邊站着的老人、孕婦、殘疾人以及傷員等這些需要幫助的弱勢羣體。”說完這些,他還指出現在許多人都不會給真正需要座位的乘客讓座。“放下手頭的事,別總是雲裏霧裏,多關注你身邊的人,爲他們提供幫助吧,這樣我們才稱得上有紳士風度。”

Think about it this way: Doing someone else a solid by simply giving up your seat, holding the elevator or spotting them a dollar can change the trajectory of their day for the positive, all at very little effort to you. Plus, you might need the favor returned one day.


審校:淺芷湄 編輯:Freya然



