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  初二英語春節手抄報:竈神上天的日子 Kitchen God's Day---春節英語神話故事

On the 24th day of the last lunar month the Kitchen god returns to heaven to give a report to the Jade Emperor (in Chinese mythology the Jade Emperor is the ruler of heaven) about the family's activities over the past year. This day is marked by acts of appeasement to the Kitchen god so that he will give the Jade Emperor a favourable report.

Traditionally images of the Kitchen god are burned as a symbolic act of departure. Often some gold or silver money will also be burned for travelling expenses. In some households the lips of the Kitchen god are brushed with honey or a sugar solution just before the image is burned - this will increase the likelihood that only sweet things will be said by the Kitchen god. From the 24th the Kitchen god will be absent from his shrine in the kitchen, and during this time it will be cleaned in preparation for his return on New Year's Eve.

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每年農曆十二月二十四日,竈神上天,報告人間功過,定人禍福。因此,北方習俗於農歷十二月二十三日晚上奉祀竈君,焚香祀送。南方習俗於農歷十二月二十四日晚上奉祀竈君,焚香祀送。舊時亦有士紳家於二十三日送竈,百姓家二十四日送竈之別。奉祀竈君多用糖元寶、炒米糖、花生糖、芝麻糖和糯米糰子之類,以冀塞住竈神之口,不講人間罪惡,世稱「上天言好事,下界保平安」。祭畢,即將奉祀經年的竈君舊紙馬從竈上揭下,連同紙錠等一起焚化,以示竈神上天。除夕接神時,再行接竈神之禮,奉祀竈神後,再在竈上粘貼新的竈君紙馬。 關於祭竈禮儀 祭竈的禮儀各地可能不同,大體上來說是如此規矩: 祭竈時間:多數地區於農歷十二月二十四日,少數地區爲農曆十二月二十三日,也有“官三民四”的說法。

初二英語春節手抄報 第2張


祭竈地點:廚房爐竈邊 祭竈供品:三牲(雞、豬、魚肉)、飴糖(麥芽糖)、清茶、水果、金紙等 祭竈以麥芽糖塞住竈神之口,使其不講人間罪惡,祭祀之人口稱:“上天言好事,下界保平安。”焚香祀送,祭畢,即將奉祀經年的竈君舊紙馬畫像從竈上揭下,連同金紙等一起焚化,以示竈神上天。 祭竈的禮儀,在我看來是整個竈神傳說及祭祀風俗中最爲精彩的部分,因爲它充分體現出了中國人的神怪觀念。神仙不僅是可以溝通和控制的,甚至是可以戲弄的。人們的娛神行爲同時也是自娛,神仙在年節當前的時候不再是高高在上不食人間煙火的一個影子,而是與我們一同歡慶佳節的血脈相通的家人。祭祀活動在敬神行爲的背後,是以強化家族觀及民族觀爲目的,也許這就是中華民族星火相傳、團結進取、生生不息的奧祕所在。



