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這周跟各位介紹一下在口語中很常用到的一個動詞: Come. 分別是 come down, come up, come out, come in, come on, come off, come by, come to 跟 come into play. 大家不要小看幾個動詞片語, 他們可是千變萬化的. 而且老美習慣上會以這種簡單的動詞片語來代替一些艱深的單字, 例如一本書的出版老美就比較不喜歡正經八百地說, "The book is published." 而會說, "The book came out." 要想精通口語, 一定要能掌握這種脈動喔!

1. The rain is coming down.


在美國的口語中, 美國人很喜歡用動詞片語, 尤其是以 get 或是 come 開頭的片語. 因爲這類的動詞除了表示出動作之外, 還說出了方向. 像這句話同樣也可以說成, It's raining, 或是 It's starting to rain. 但所表達的意思就不如 come down 來的豐富. 這句話是有一次去看 Football 時學的, 打到一半就下起雨來, 播報員就說, "The rain is coming down."

Come down 還有另一個重要的意思, 就是"下來樓下" 的意思. 比如說你去找一個住在五樓的朋友, 你在樓下的對講機就可以問他, "Do you want to come down?" 你想不想下來啊?

2. I came up with a good idea to that question.


Come up with something 就是說突然想到一個主意或是其它事情, 光用 come 表達不出那種跑出一個想法的意念, 所以要用 come up. 常見的有 come up with a solution, 或是 come up with a new idea.

如果光是 come up, 則表示一件事情馬上就要到來. 例如聖誕節快到了, 就是 "Christmas is coming up." 或是說成 "Christmas is around the corner." 另外新聞節目要進廣告前, 都會打出 Coming up 來預告下一段節目的內容. 例如, "Coming up next: The weather forecast." (下一段節目: 天氣預報.)

3. Don't let the stuff1 come out.


記得有一次請老美來家裏包水餃 (What a lovely idea!!) 我一直想跟他們說不要讓水餃裏面的餡跑出來, 可是這個"跑出來" 要怎麼講就是一直想不出來, 總不會是 run out 吧 ~~ 後來也是聽他們說我才知道是用 come out.

Come out 也可以用在叫大家不要待在家裏, 出來走走的意思, 例如我們宿舍每次都會貼出這樣的佈告, "Come out for some foods." 或是 "Come out and have a good time with us!" 所以你要打電話約人家出來, 也可以這樣問, "Do you wanna come out with me?"

4. This CD came out when I was 20.

這張 CD 是在我二十歲時發片的.

Come out 的用法非常多, 這個也是很常用的一種. 就是當你提到 CD 的出片, 電影的上映, 或是新書的出版, 都可以用 come out. 比如 "The new magazine just came out." 就是說新的雜誌剛剛出版了.

在同性戀的用語中, come out 有一個很特別的意思, 就是"出櫃" 意思, 這個出櫃指的是什麼呢? 就是說同性戀公開自己是同性戀的身份啦. 例如, "I am so surprised finally he came out!" 他終於表明他是同性戀了.

5. This is where the argument comes in.


有時在跟老美對話都突然會覺得這個字用的真好, 可是我就是用不出來. Come in 就是一個很好的例子. 有一次在跟一個老美談學校的停車政策, 我們各有不同的觀點, 我說, "We need to build more parking decks2." 他就說, "Ok, this is where the argument comes in." 然後才 blah blah blah. 又講了他的觀點. 他的觀點是什麼不重要, 重要的是他在這裏用了一個我覺的很棒的 comes in 片語.

Comes in 也常指新官上任喔! 例如我們學校最新來了一個新的校長, 你就可以這麼說, "A new president comes in."

6. Come on!


Come on 是個幾乎每天都會聽到個片語啦~ 但是不同的語氣跟不同的場合有不同的意思. 例如在大熱天你看到人家穿了一件毛衣, 你就可以說 come on, dude~ 就是說大哥, 拜託你喔. (有點受不了人家的意思) 或是跟同學約好了五點出門, 結果他四點五十九分了, 你也可以催他, "Come on, it's five already."

Come on 也可以當作叫人家過來的意思, 例如你開車在路上看到同學迎面走來, 你就可以說, "Come on, I'll give you a ride."

7. The ball doesn't come off the net.


以前在臺灣打排球都是在水泥地上打, 可是來到美國, 我發現他們更喜愛沙灘排球或是草地排球 (拿一個活動的網子, 在草地上一掛就玩起來了) 玩的很隨興很自在, 這通常也是 party 的一個重要部份. Come off 簡而言之就是二個原來在一起的東西分開的意思, 如油漆剝落, 如 "The paint comes off gradually." 或是球被球棒擊中, "The ball comes off the bat."

8. I hope someone comes by and picks us up.


有一次大熱天跟一個美國的朋友走在柏油路上, 他大概是被曬昏了吧. 居然開始作起白日夢起來, "I hope someone come by and pick us up." 結果呢? 當然是沒有人會理我們的啦, 還是要自己走回家. Come by 算是常見的片語, 就是從旁邊經過的意思.

9. We haven't come to a conclusion yet.


Come to 常可以見到在這樣的句子中, 如得出解答 (come to a solution) 或是得到結論 (conclusion) 和 come up with 不同的是, come to 指的通常是最終的結果, 而 come up with 只是想到某個想法而已.

Come to 也常用於來到某個地方, 例如 "You will come to a stop sign if you keep straight." 如果你直走的話, 你就會到一個 stop sign.

10. This factor doesn't come into play in this case.


Come into 後面可以加一個名詞來表達不同的意思. 如例句中所講的 come into play 就老師上課時喜歡用的片語之一. Come into effect 跟 come into play 很類似, 所以這句話也可以說成, "This factor doesn't come into effect in this case."


(一)It is a condition of this letter that the name of this Bank will not be disclosed in the event of our report being passed on to your clients.







pass on?hand or give sth to sb else to others?傳遞;轉交

Example?We will pass on your decision to the buyer.


se note that this information is furnished without any responsibility on our part and should be held strictly1 confidential2.

se note that the information is furnished at your request without any responsibility whatsoever3 on the part of this Bank or on any of its officers.

we ask that you treat this information as strictly confidential without responsibility on our part.

(二)Should you be prepared to reduce your limit by say 10% we might come to terms.



say 10%是let us say 10%的簡化。

be prepared to……準備做……事

Example?We are not prepared to change the terms.

limit n.限度(在外貿業務中有時用來指價格,即價格限度)

Example:Your limit is too high to permit business.

come to terms達成交易。類似說法有come to business close a bargain close a deal等等。



