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託福口語分類詞彙之“厚底鞋platform heels ”

Paris Hilton posed for Blender's cover and inside pages wearing lingerie; in one photo, she wears a pink bra, black fishnet stockings and gold platform heels.


報道中的 platform heels 就是我們日常所說的“厚底鞋”。Platform 除了最常見的“講壇、月臺”外,也指“(鞋子)特別高出的部分”。值得一提的是, platform(厚底鞋)側重指“腳頭與腳跟厚度相約”;如若形容同是厚底、但前腳掌處比較低平的“坡跟鞋”,則用wedge heels 來形容。

最後,再一起回憶幾個大家都已熟悉的鞋的表達:flat shoes(平根鞋),high heels(高跟鞋),flip flops(人字拖 )。



lose one's heart to someone 愛上某人

win one's heart 獲得某人歡心,贏得某人的愛情

broken heart 傷心,絕望

hard-hearted 無情的

heart of stone 狠心,鐵石心腸

pour out one's heart 傾訴衷腸

have a heart 發慈悲

have one's heart in the right place 真心實意,富於同情心

wear one's heart on one's sleeve 十分坦率,感情容易激動

my heart bleeds for you 我對你深表同情

chicken-hearted 膽怯,膽小鬼

heart is in one's mouth 十分緊張,焦急萬分

lose heart 喪失勇氣

strong-hearted 勇敢的

heart to heart 誠懇的,貼心的

change of heart 改變看法

at the bottom of one's heart 內心深處

a warm heart 熱心腸

a heart of oak 有膽量的人; 剛強果斷的人

after someone’s heart 稱某人的心, 中某人的意

bare one's heart 推心置腹地說出真心話

be the heart and soul of 是...的核心人物; 是...的靈魂

big heart 寬闊的胸懷; 高尚的氣度

Bless my heart! 我的天哪! 好傢伙!

brace one's heart 抖擻精神, 振作

break one's heart 使人難過(心碎)

bring/come home to someone’s heart 使某人有深刻的體會

by heart 默誦; 默記

cross one's heart 在胸口畫十字(表示說的是真話)

cry/weep one's heart out 痛哭不止, 哭得死去話來

cut/touch someone to the heart 觸及某人痛處, 使某人傷心

do someone’s heart good 使某人打心眼裏高興

devour one's heart 傷心難過到茶飯不思的地步, 憂傷過度

eat/tear one's heart out (爲某事)暗自傷神, 憂傷

Faint heart never won fair lady 沒有勇氣的人得不到美人的青眯(勇者制勝)

false heart 險詐, 不忠實

free heart 胸懷坦白; 無憂無慮

gain/win someone’ heart 取悅某人, 獲得某人的寵愛

gather/take heart 鼓起勇氣, 打起精神

get to the heart of 抓住癥結所在

give heart to someone 鼓勵某人

go to someone’s heart 使某人傷心; 使某人深受感動

God bless my heart! 哎呀! 好傢伙! 我的天哪!

have a heart of gold 有一顆金子般的心(心地善良)

have no heart 冷酷無情

have one's heart in 專心一意, 用心, 感興趣

have/bring one's heart in one's boots/mouth/throat 嚇一大跳; 嚇得要命

imprint on one’s heart 銘刻某人心中

in one's heart of hearts 在內心深處

in the heart of 在...中心

It's a poor heart that never rejoices 人人都有歡樂的時候

keep a good heart 不喪失勇氣

lay one's heart bare 傾吐衷情

lie at/weigh upon someone’s heart 重重地壓在心上, 使深感焦慮

lift one's heart 鼓起勇氣; 振作起來

Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. 世上無難事, 只怕有心人

One's heart dies within one. 心灰意懶, 意氣消沉

One's heart fails one. 失去自信心。

Open/pour out one's heart to sb. 向某人傾吐肺腑

pluck up one's heart 鼓起勇氣, 打起精神

read someone’s heart 看出某人的心思

reverberate/ring in one's heart 言猶在耳; 縈繞在心裏

search one's heart 反省

set one's heart at rest/ease 使安心, 放心

The heart knows its own bitterness.心中的苦楚自己知道

wear someone in one's heart 忠於某人

weep one's heart out 哭得死去活來

What the heart thinks the tongue speaks 言爲心聲

When the heart is afire, some sparks will fly out at the mouth.心裏有什麼, 嘴裏總要說出來

with a heart and a half 高興地

with a heavy/light heart 心情沉重(愉快)地

with heart and soul 全心全意地, 熱心地






Chairdrobe is the art of piling clothes on a chair to be used in place of a closet or dresser.


If a chair is not available one can always defer to a floordrobe.



Floordrobe is a form of storage for clothing which requires no hangers, drawers, doors or effort. You simply drop your clothes on the floor and you have a floordrobe.



I searched through my chairdrobe to find my outfit for work.


We have a very stylish colonial-style his and hers walk-on floordrobe at home.


我們都知道正常的衣櫃在英文中叫wardrobe,可是,如果你從衣櫃裏拿出來穿的衣服因爲意外情況而導致身體某個部位走光,英文要怎麼說呢?關注流行文化的同學們估計已經知道了,對,是wardrobe malfunction。

A wardrobe malfunction is accidental exposure of intimate parts. Global Language Monitor, which tracks usage of words on the internet and in newspapers worldwide, identified the term as the top Hollywood contribution to English (HollyWordie) in 2004.

Wardrobe malfunction就是身體隱私部位意外走光的一個委婉說法。全球語言監測機構在對該詞在全球網絡和報紙上的使用情況監測之後,將這個詞列爲2004年度好萊塢對英語語言做出的首要貢獻。

2004年第38 屆超級碗中場表演中,美國女歌手珍妮?傑克遜右乳意外走光,之後,歌手賈斯汀?汀布萊克率先用wardrobe malfunction描述了這一事件,之後,這個詞就被廣泛用來指代“身體部位意外走光”。



廢除(法律、制度等) vt. abolish

實施 vt. implement

使……合法化 vt. legalize

首要任務 n. priority

建立 vt. establish

減輕、緩解 vt. alleviate =ease =relieve

當局 the authorities

禁止 vt. forbid/ prohibit

立法 n. legislation

稅收 tax revenue

民主的 adj. democratic

高效率的 adj. efficient

優化資源分配 optimize the distribution of res-ources

穩定 n. stability

解決 vt. Combat = tackle = resolve = address = grapple with

嚴厲的,嚴格的 adj. stringent

短視的 adj. short-sighted

支出,花費 n. expenditure

社會保險 social security

老百姓 n. citizens/ the citizenry

規範,管理 v. regulate/ monitor/ oversee

嚴禁 strictly prohibit/ ban altogether

嚴格的法律 stringent laws/ legislation

強制性的,按照法律或者規定必須做的 adj. mandatory/ compulsory

監督 n. scrutiny

監督 v. scrutinize/ monitor

爲……撥款 allocate money to sth./ be a patron of/ invest in/ fund/ dedicate money to sth.

預算 n. budget

政府開支 the government spending/ expenditure on sth.

削減 v. curtail

增加 v. augment

當務之急 n. priority

把……當作當務之急 give priority to sth.

責任 n. duty/ responsibility/ obligation

軍備競賽 n. arms race

自衛 n. self-defense

國土安全 national security/ homeland security

缺乏遠見的政策 short-sighted policy

擴張 n. expansion/ aggression

謀求霸權 seek/ pursue hegemony

惡性循環 a vicious circle

地區不穩定因素 destabilizing factors

規章制度 rules and regulations

太空競賽 space race

武器 n. arms/ weapons/ armaments

下崗工人 laid-off workers/ downsized workers

失業 n. unemployment/ joblessness

基礎設施 n. infrastructure

公共交通系統 public transportation/ transit system

電網 power grid

石油天然氣管線 pipelines

給排水系統 water supply and drainage system

民主與開明的政府 a democratic and progressive government

臨時的應急措施 a stopgap measure



